The scheme is primarily a residential area with residential units constructed to the north and south of the scheme. The land through the centre of the scheme is mostly undeveloped, however the road network is constructed. The scheme consists of two primary dual-carriageway layout r oads with a number of signalised junctions and a posted speed of 40kph. There are a number of minor internal roads which have a number of raised junctions and a posted speed of 30kph.
Package 1 as approximately 1,139 ha.
The scheme was a primarily residential area with residential units constructed along the main through road. There was also a sewerage treatment plant located at the eastern end of the scheme. The scope of works included primary and secondary dual carriageway layout roads with posted speeds of 50kph and 40kph. The scheme also consists of five signalised junctions and two roundabouts. There are also two bridges within the scheme. One at the southwest tie-in location and the other along the centre of the main primary through road.