DCE were appointed by Sketch Engineering Consultants to conduct a Traffic Impact Study (TIS) for a Hypermarket development in Um Salal. The proposed development was a commercial development in Um Salal. From the pre-initiation meeting discussions with MOTC, it was agreed that a full scope TIS would be carried out for this project based on the land use category ‘Superstore’ (from the Dubai Trip Generation and Parking Rates Manual 2013), which was deemed to be the most appropriate land use category. A detailed development plan review process was carried out to check access width, parking layout, internal / external vehicle and pedestrian circulation, sight distance, road safety, drop off/pick up and service vehicle provisions. Following TIS guidelines developed by the Ministry of Transport and Communications (MOTC), traffic was generated, distributed and assigned to the road network using PTV VISUM. A traffic impact assessment was done at key access roads and neighbouring junctions using PTV VISSIM SIDRA and Synchro software.